Post No. 2 for The Travel Project

Katie is back today to share her second post for The Travel Project! You can read part one HERE.

Hello again, Katie here! Well, I have been using my Travel Filofax and have added a few notes in each section. I finally got to use it in a lecture at university, and very quickly realised that something was missing. I had no notes section! Having spoken with my lecturer about our plans, he had given us some tips and ideas. These couldn’t really go in any of my sections as they were just ideas, and I had no research on them. I found myself writing quick notes on the post-it on my flyleaf – it was definitely a good thing to have there! 
Once home, I decided to put a notes section in right at the front. This gives easy access, and also means that the notes are at the front with all the properly researched information following on. I made myself a new divider using an image that I found online, printed onto card, and then added a small tab at the top. This is just because there’s no room on the side really but I think it works because the notes section is a little different to the others, in that it will be used for rough notes and research reminders, rather than actual research.
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So now my set-up feels more complete, and I can’t see it changing again but we’ll see! I will definitely be replacing the post-it on the front, because that has already proved to be useful. 

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