The Difficult Women jewellery collection from Common Era

I found out about Common Era jewellery through word of mouth. Their product and service is supposed to be excellent. They offer products in solid gold or vermeil. And they support animal charities (among others).

There is a quiz to determine which goddess or historical figure would suit you best. You can also read about each figure on the purchase page.

What really caught my eye was the Difficult Women collection. In my youth I was seen as a difficult woman because I worked exclusively with men (first at a maintenance department, then in journalism, then in IT) and would not tolerate sexism towards me. I would call out sexist jokes and ‘pranks,’ so I was seen as difficult.

I did the quiz and it matched me with  the goddess Sappho. Sappho is not only one of the few women poets we know of from antiquity, but also is one of the greatest lyric poets from any age. I liked the fact that I was matched with her because I like to write. But I am not Sapphic, though I doubt that’s a requirement! Maybe Boudicca (who was also known as Boudica, Boudiccea or Boudicea would suit me better?

Author: Janet Carr

Fashion, beauty and animal loving language consultant from South Africa living in Stockholm, Sweden.

One thought

  1. I took the two quizzes! For the Difficult Women’s quiz, I got Pandora and for the Goddess quiz, I got Medusa. I’m not quite sure what to think now!… 😀

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