Author: Janet Carr

Fashion, beauty and animal loving language consultant from South Africa living in Stockholm, Sweden.

4 thoughts

  1. I am lucky that the strongest pain level I experienced was level 5… It was quite extreme I thought so I can’t even imagine what you need to have or have done to get to level 10 (although cancer springs to mind…)

      1. I think it all depends on the type of pain… Actually, I forgot contractions during birth!… Now these would be off the charts… I thought my soul was leaving my body every time… Regarding pain, I read a very interesting article saying that people with brown hair (me!) feel pain the least and the people most affected by pain were red heads. My husband is a red head and he always needs anesthesia to have his teeth cleaned but I never do. For me it feels like being in a spa. I close my eyes and I almost fall asleep. My husband even changed hygienists because it was too much for him… I don’t know about blondes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they felt pain more acutely.

      2. Interesting. My mother was a flaming redhead and I have a lot of red in my hair (according to my hairdresser who says the pigment means my hair takes a long time when she does highlights). I hade having my teeth cleaned because it is agonisingly painful. You have taught me something today!

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