My Classics: Coats

I have a couple of coats I wear for ‘in-between weather’. I did have a third sumptuous long leather coat that I wore for some years, but I matched every Goth in town, so that one was sold off a couple of years ago. In my youth I also wore an army surplus greatcoat which was wonderfully warm.

I have a Filippa K trenchcoat which looks good for work in spring. It looks terrible on a hanger but good on. You need to find a way to wear them so they don’t make you look like Columbo, so I tend to wear mine open with the belt knotted at the back.

The coat below is actually a marvel. I was cold one day when the Swedish late summer suddenly turned to autumn. It was early morning, I had a long long day ahead of me and I was freezing cold in a light leather jacket. So I shot into the nearest cheap clothing shop and grabbed a coat off the rack. I thought it was pretty but as soon as I put it on people started stopping me in the street to tell me what a pretty coat it was or say ‘Desigual?’ Only then did I realise that it was a copy of a Desigual coat.

It is now eleven years later and I am still wearing it. It cheers me up on cold grey days, I don’t need a scarf if the neckline is buttoned and the style suits my shape. I don’t have hips but this coat gives me some. I tried to buy a genuine Desigual one but none of them had colours as pretty as this one.

Author: Janet Carr

Fashion, beauty and animal loving language consultant from South Africa living in Stockholm, Sweden.

4 thoughts

  1. I had a very surreal moment just now…

    I’ve read this post 2 days ago, thought to myself “what a unique coat!” and today I saw a lady in the same coat in a nearest supermarket… I was so shocked, I almost lost her in the crowd while fumbling for my phone.

  2. I love a good coat, but being short with narrow shoulders and wide hips I’m not well-served by modern coat design and often find when a coat fits my lower half well it is uncomfortably large on the shoulders. I have the same problem with dresses, although this year the trend is thankfully for fuller skirts. I’ve had some good second-hand bargains, though, and new coats shaped to suit me can be found… for a price!

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