What working out in the field means….

…. is that these are the distances I walk in an average day. I walk between up to eight workplaces a day with a heavy handbag in weather from scorching heat (up to 35°C) to driving rain, freezing cold (down to minus 30°C), wind and heavy snow (up to my knees sometimes). The hottest day I have worked in Sweden has been 35°C and the coldest has been -26°C.  But I love it. I think I would go crazy if I had an office job where I was stuck at a desk all day. I have always had jobs where I was all over different places.

I wear a Jawbone UP24 all the time. This is the app for it which updates via bluetooth on my phone.






Author: Janet Carr

Fashion, beauty and animal loving language consultant from South Africa living in Stockholm, Sweden.

2 thoughts

  1. Wow. That’s great. I have one of those desk jobs you referenced. I keep reading the research studies titled “too much sitting is killing you.” Great. I try to move around as much as possible during the work day, but never get even a quarter of the step count you accomplish. I have a Fitbit and try to get in as much walking as I can after work and it’s still challenging for me to get the recommended 10,000. If you haven’t already (I am a new reader of your blog), I would love to see a post about the type of shoes that carry you along all that way.

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