Interchangeable jewellery

It is all over my feed at the moment!

And the two below from Dear Rose With Love on Etsy

and a search for interchangeable rings on Etsy brings up quite a few

I love the idea in theory, but during the 80s I used to be matchy-matchy and I think I totally put myself off it now. I used to match my big plastic clip-on earrings to my belt, bag and shoes – something like this. I firmly believe the 1980s were the most horrendous years for fashion, so now I avoid coordinating too much. And I thank my lucky stars that there is little photographic evidence of my fashion disasters.

Author: Janet Carr

Fashion, beauty and animal loving language consultant from South Africa living in Stockholm, Sweden.

One thought

  1. When I saw the Gucci watch with the interchangeable colored rings, my first thought was “Oh No! The eighties are back!”

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