Rare Vintage Mulberry Double Binder

I cannot remember the last time I was so excited for a parcel to arrive. From the moment Ena contacted me to say she would buy it on my behalf from German eBay, I have been just about exploding with excitement. Ena I cannot thank you enough for this. I was too shy to ask you to help me get it but you offered anyway xxx

And today, it arrived! I had come home from work but just couldn’t wait until tomorrow to collect it so off I went immediately!

And, wow, what a beauty. It is like nothing I have ever seen before. It has never been used and is in perfect condition, with all the original inserts with their sealing bands still around them. It is, without a doubt, a genuine Mulberry, but I had no idea they made these. It was bought in London 13 years ago.

The two sides look more or less the same but the Mulberry logo is on the front with a small tab on the side showing you which way is which.

I was so excited to open this but waited until I had calmed down a little so that I could savour it!
I was so excited to open this but waited until I had calmed down a little so that I could savour it!
At the bottom left of the photograph you can see my cat helping me open the box!
At the bottom left of the photograph you can see my cat helping me open the box!
Unused and in perfect condition. It looks like Congo Leather and is a gorgeous colour.
Unused and in perfect condition. It looks like Congo Leather and is a gorgeous colour.

photo 3-1

photo 5-15

These are the inserts it came with
These are the inserts it came with

With no inserts

photo 4-2

photo 2-3

photo 1-3

photo 5-14
With no inserts and showing the side without the zipper
With no inserts, side with a zipper
With no inserts, side with a zipper

photo 2-1

With two full sets of inserts. I had a box full of old Mulberry inserts from when they were still cream in colour. The white ones are the new ones (not fond of them myself)
With two full sets of inserts. I had a box full of old Mulberry inserts from when they were still cream in colour. The white ones are the new ones (not fond of them myself)

photo 5

photo 4

photo 1
My 2006 Mulberry Agenda size binder in Oak Darwin to the right.

photo 2

This is an absolutely gorgeous, fascinating and unusual piece. It is bulky and heavy when full but no more so than an A5. It has two sets of normal sized Mulberry Krause rings so it fits double the amount of paper that a normal Mulberry does.

The inserts which came with it. To the left are the dividers, credit card holders, map and Today marker. To the right are the notepaper (2 packs) and the page a day diary.
The inserts which came with it. To the left are the dividers, credit card holders and map. To the right are the notepaper (2 packs), the Today marker and the page a day diary.

Author: Janet Carr

Fashion, beauty and animal loving language consultant from South Africa living in Stockholm, Sweden.

15 thoughts

  1. Hi Janet,

    I wonder if you could help with a guide price for one of these mulberry double binder organiser, I have one exactly the same in black, looking to sell but unsure of reasonable price?

    Thank you laura

  2. Now I know my unicorn. This is beautiful, I know this Congo leather as years ago I had a Psion organiser (old keyboard mini computer) and I still have the Congo leather covers. In fact I have two a black one and thie same colour as your double binder. It’s lovely leather and wears extremely well.

    1. Aren’t they lovely? I cannot believe that such a perfect binder was ever created! I had never seen one before I saw this one but quite a few people remember them. I also had Psions – 2 of them in a row! Then I went to Palm Pilot. Went back to paper after about 10 years 🙂

  3. Ooh, very nice 🙂

    If you can get spare sets of rings from Gillio, then you could swap them out to suit Filofax-punched inserts!

  4. I’m so glad to see it arrived safely!!!
    And I’m happy that you love it that much!!!
    It has bee a great pleasure for me to help you!
    So: Enjoy this new treasure! 🙂
    Best, Ena <3

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