Post No. 1 for The Spiritual Project

Today I’m excited to introduce Heather, who will be using a Pocket Chino in Fawn to share her journey to the Catholic Church with The Spiritual Project.

My project will be a Spiritual Project documenting my RCIA journey at Holy Trinity, my home parish.  I will be using a Filofax Pocket Chino given to me by the creator of this project.

RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.  It is a process where those who wish to join the Catholic faith community are welcomed and introduced to the beliefs and practices of the Church.  At the end of the process, at Easter Vigil, each Candidate receives the Sacraments.  For those who were never baptised, they will receive all 3 Sacraments; Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist   For those already baptised Catholic or baptised in another Christian tradition, they will receive Confirmation and First Eucharist.

I was born into a very Catholic family.  I was baptised Catholic when I was 5 weeks old.  After that, I do believe my mother left the Catholic Church.  I remember going to church as a kid with my mom, but after some research I discovered it was not a Catholic church.  My mom died when I was 8 years old, so I don’t know any of this for sure.  Just research based upon the small town we lived in.  After my mom died, I went to live with my grandma.  I remember going to church then, usually just Christmas and Easter.  So I never completed the Sacraments when I was a kid.

Then life happened.  I grew up and moved out the day I graduated high school.  I did not really believe in anything during that time.  I didn’t attend any type of church.  After getting married and having kids, I started to feel a pull back to the Catholic Church.  I didn’t act on it right away.  Finally in 2011 I contacted the local parish, Holy Trinity, to find out about RCIA so I could complete the Sacraments.  I dropped out of RCIA my first time through.  I am now doing RCIA for the second time.  I feel confident this time and am very excited for Easter Vigil to be here so I can be fully initiated into the Catholic Church.

On top of all of that, my youngest daughter Gabrielle will also be receiving all three Sacraments at Easter Vigil.  She starts RCIA for Youth on September 15th.  I feel blessed that we will be going through this journey together.

With all that said…..well, written…..I will be using the Filofax Pocket Chino to document my and my daughter’s journey into the Catholic Church.  I will be keeping track of RCIA classes for myself and Gabrielle, as well as keeping track of other events at Holy Trinity.

Here are some photos of my Filofax Pocket Chino…

The beautiful Filofax Chino in Fawn.  She is so soft!

Opening page.  I love the big pocket on the left.  Will be great for holding stickers and such.  And my name tag for RCIA since I always forget to take it off and leave it at class.  OOPS!

Alphabetical Tabs.  I will be personalizing these before I start using the Filo.

Numbered tabs. Not sure how I will use these yet.

These are the pockets in the back. And the wonderful pen loop with a pen.
I will post more once I get the Filo set up.


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