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Vintage, well-loved Van Der Spek organiser

As many readers will have seen on social media, Steve Morton and I went to Rotterdam this week to spend a few days at Van Der Spek. More blog posts will be coming with pictures from the factory, beautiful binders, and some interesting leathers.

Today’s post, however, is about a well-used vintage Van Der Spek ring organiser.

I saw this binder on a shelf in the Van Der Spek office as we walked in, and immediately fell in love with it. It is made from very thick heavy leather and is perfectly designed (two secretarial pockets, two slip pockets, and lots of slots) and very well-loved. I asked Mr Van Der Spek about it and he told me it was his, that he made it himself, and used it for many years.

I asked if I could take some photographs of it because it was so beautiful. On our last day as Mr Van Der Spek left for the day, he told me I could have it. I almost burst into years. I adore Mr Van Der Spek. He is so kind and so talented. He has made so much magic happen as regards custom planners (he does not like to say anything is impossible so he tries his best to make all our dreams come true, no matter how complicated), and checks everything before it leaves the factory to make sure it is perfect. So not only is it a beautiful planner, but it was also a wonderfully kind gesture from someone I really care about. It will be such an honour to carry on using this organiser for many more years.

Petra polished up the rings and the popper and I carried it in my handbag all the way home, where I immediately moved straight into it. Every single stitch is still perfect. The patina is stunning. It feels so nice, and hugs my inserts. It still has that glorious leather smell.

I am not sure what leather this is (Petra thought either Janet Leather or saddle leather), and it has rubber edging that is no longer done by VDS. It is, quite simply, magnificent. Photographs don’t do it justice. I cannot express how in love I am with this binder!


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