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Happy week everyone!


I hope all my readers had a wonderful weekend and that the week ahead will be a good one for you.

I am heading into the week feeling as though I really achieved something this weekend. I made an effort to get all the small niggly little chores done – you know those ones that hang around in the back of your mind but are not totally urgent? The ones that give you a huge sense of relief when they are finally done?

And on Sunday evening I went to a housewarming with my stepdaughter, her partner and her mum. Lovely evening with fantastic food (Chinese – my favourite!), loads of laughs, and love.

Strangely, for once I did not have that ‘Sunday feeling’. That feeling we all seem to get on Sunday, even if we love our jobs. Seriously, what IS that feeling? And why do so many people have it?

So this week started as though I had already achieved a huge amount. It can only get better from here!

Happy Monday everyone!


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