My Filofax Week

Quite a Filofax week this week, surprisingly as I was rather busy with other things.

Several of my students are Filofax users. This is one of them I managed to photograph (with her permission of course).


All of my clients who use paper planners say it is much easier than tapping at a device.

I took a photo of my Van Der Spek binder on the main staircase of the Swedish Parliament. I love this part of the Riksdag. It is so beautiful and peaceful. Sweden has a real democracy and I am so proud to be able to work with it in some small way.


I also managed to (by sheer luck) purchase Sara Jean’s beautiful brand new Minobossi binder on eBay.


Filofax UK generously offered to replace Josh’s defective Cross binder. Isn’t that fantastic!

And I managed to write a lot this week (always makes me feel good!) with the help of Robyn, Petra and Sara Jean. Plus I had lovely guest posts from Josh and Hope.

Also, two of my readers alerted me to the fact that someone was using my photographs on eBay. I was more chuffed that people recognised my pics than anything else. Thanks Ena and Stephanie!

And I have the best readers! Happy weekend everyone!


Author: Janet Carr

Fashion, beauty and animal loving language consultant from South Africa living in Stockholm, Sweden.

3 thoughts

  1. You have the best readers because you have the best blog my dear Janet! As simple as that! You are a source of inspiration in terms of binders, stationary, bags, pens, books and reading in general, beauty products… The list is endless so l only name what l love reading in your blog.
    Thank you for being such a genuine person and for sharing your interest with us.

  2. The architecture in the Swedish Parliament building is lovely. I really love that nose poking through the hole in the wood – dog or bear?

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