Guest Post by Mja: What’s in my bag – the briefcase of a journeyman accountant

So whats in my briefcase ? Well HMRC,IRS  and a few other organisations would love to look in the files but that’s another story !!!

First and most important is my Midori Traveller’s notebook which I use for my bespoke version of bullet journal. The pen with it is my trusty Franklin Covey – “cheap as chips “ but a wonderful day-to-day work tool, and worth its weight in gold as far as I am concerned .

I keep a separate notebook insert for every client, loading those I need for the working day ahead the evening before. All others are stored in a box in my office –  a simple yet effective system .

Along with my notebook I keep a blue-tooth keyboard that links to my Blackberry Q10 smartphone , a great combination and one that enables me to do away with a laptop for most working days .

Next is my Olympus Dictaphone – now getting on a bit it has to be said, but still a simple to use and trusted friend. I love the three folders option – brilliant for my line of work.

Then we come to my very cheap solar-power calculator. Well over ten years old and still going strong. A firm favourite, the keys are a joy to use .

Completing my pens are a set of Parker ballpoint and pencil which my late mother gave me and my black Biro/knife that I use as a letter opener .

Other items you see include spare cartridges , bulldog clips , sticky notes etc



Author: Janet Carr

Fashion, beauty and animal loving language consultant from South Africa living in Stockholm, Sweden.

4 thoughts

  1. it’s not a dictaphone, but I often make voice notes using the built in voice recorder app on my iPhone. I’d love it if the voice recognition were good enough and fast enough to transcribe automatically, but that’s still too fiddly. Siri is OK, but the limit of its capabilities are ‘Add butter to the shopping list’ for me at the moment – it needs much more intelligence and far better voice recognition to be truly useful!

    1. Agree Paul the voice recognition on the Q10 leaves a lot to be desired ! My favourite was sending a txt to a clergyman re worn hymn books it came out as PORN HYMN BOOKS! Extremely embarrassing 🙂

  2. Just the other day I was thinking to myself “I need a dictaphone.” Would be brilliant, especially in the car. I seem to do tons of good thinking while driving and by the time I reach my destination I’m lucky if I can remember one thing! I’ve also got a BlackBerry Q10. Quite pleased with it!

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